Friday, 4 November 2011

Full Soundboard Live Gig!

Full video of the BBC gig (3/11/11) is now up courtesy of Mr Monobrow and beadyeysis!  See the YouTube Playlist at the top of the site for the full video.

Also, I've updated the gig tracker (see right-hand panel) which now included links to bootlegs (either audio, video or both) of EVERY gig so far.  Only a couple of tracks have yet to surface.

Huge thanks again to all the recorders and up loaders!

As a side note ,we now have all songs performed live by the band to date available in soundboard quality, except:
- Soldier Boys and Jesus Freaks
- The Importance of Being Idle
- Don't Look Back In Anger (Noel acoustic)
Fingers crossed we'll get those soon!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Gig Recordings

Bootlegs and YouTube Playlists are now available for pretty much every UK/Eire gig (though the Roundhouse is still incomplete).  To link to them all, see this post.